The Utah Association of the Deaf, established in 1909, is one of the oldest state associations in the United States. Its first president was a woman, Elizabeth DeLong – and this was before women were granted the right to vote!
The UAD has a long list of accomplishments of which we are proud. The UAD was responsible for the establishment of the Sanderson Community Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the Utah Interpreter Service, the Interpreting Training Program at Salt Lake Community College, the Utah Relay Service, and a bookstore with deaf and hard of hearing products. It supports organizations dealing with deaf children and young adults. The UAD Bulletin is published monthly with local news and informational articles.
Two free email services are open to anyone who is interested. UAD Announce distributes news of interest to the Utah deaf and hard of hearing community, and CMoviesUtah gives a weekly listing of captioned movies showing in West Valley and Provo.
You might wonder what your membership means to you. Click here to find out more information about membership.
During the National Association of the Deaf awards in New Orleans on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 the Utah Association for the Deaf was honored with an award for its exceptional advocacy and service. Trenton Marsh, UAD representative to the NAD conference, and Eli McCowan, attending MDUP activities the same week, were on hand to receive the award.