Rape Recovery Center
There are three Deaf individuals who are trained and certified as sexual assault advocates. All are fluent in ASL. 
TTY Number: 
(801) 746-5551
If no answer, dial the 24-hr Crisis Line via 711 relay to (801) 467-7273
Utah Toll-Free, 24-Hour Crisis and Information Line: (888) 421-1100
RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network): (800) 656-4673
Website: http://www.raperecoverycenter.com

Sego Lily Center for the Abused Deaf
P. O. Box 71279
Salt Lake City UT 84171-1279
Phone: 1-888-328-5486 (TTY, Fax, Voice)
Website: http://www.slcad.org
Email: info@slcad.org

To update your information, or to have your information added or deleted from this list, contact Valerie Kinney at vkinney@comcast.net

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