This contest is hosted by the Utah Association of the Deaf (UAD). The main goal is to have a new Pledge of Allegiance video to use in our board meetings,conferences, etc. We decided to invite only Utah’s deaf children to participate in this contest because they are our future. This will be a good reminder for us to remember who we are advocating for (our future leaders) and improve deaf lives in Utah as we sign the Pledge of Allegiance during our meetings and conferences. 

ALSO, there will be a monetary award for first, second and third place winners and this is to help the 3 winners (children) attend deaf camps anywhere in the USA that they want to go to!

Note: We reserve the right to extend the deadline or make some changes at any time or as needed. 

Now are you interested in joining the contest!? Check out the details below!

Criteria / Qualifications:

Deaf and Hard of Hearing

7-12th grade

Utah Residents only

Know and use ASL (American Sign Language)

Will be judged by:

American Sign Language (easy to understand, correct sign concept, etc)

Video Quality


List important timelines:

Starts: Dec. 17, 2019

Last day to submit your form and video – February 17, 2020

Example of other pledge of allegiance videos:

Any questions? Interested!?

Please fill out the consent form here and email the link to your video to us at

Thank you!

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